Friday, June 14, 2019

Dr. Drew On Homeless, Medically Unscreened Illegals: Tuberculosis, Typhoid Fever Already Here, Entire Population At Risk

Sign the petition here


  1. They need to take them to pooski shui and stiff house let them stay with them

  2. Our lawmakers are too busy making laws against consuming too much soda at convenience stores.Imposing fees to buy plastic bags at grocery stores and banning straws. Taxing people that cant afford health care to pay the cost for immigrants to get free health care. Abolishing the death penalty,that won in an electoral vote by the majority to keep the death penalty.And let me add our city officials are making a nice monetary paycheck for doing nothing. Like kids at summer camp play play play. Getting paid and leaning in the broom. They show no positive production for what LA and Calif. Really needs. And it's not just the Mayors office it bleeds right on into the entire branch of city council.

  3. The poor Mayor "inherited" this mess according to him. Cop out. Instead of talking about how he was going to fix it he was acting as if "oh well".RECALL!

  4. Need to recall our slimebag governor as well


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