Thursday, June 20, 2019

Garcetti Recall Petitioner Alexandra Datig Talks to John and Ken About Serving Garcetti with Formal Notice of Intent

Sign the petition here


  1. Yes, and when you're finished here, how about recalling our governor?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just one more reason I won't cross the border from orange county to LA unless I absolutely must. LA really has become a sh*thole in many parts of the city. So sad watching it deteriorate every year and now it's been spilling over to the OC. Even the airport is the worse in the country.

  4. Can I sign the recall petition twice?Garcetti owes all LA taxpayers an apology and a refund folks.That idiot mayor raised our taxes to abate the homeless mess now it's way worse a 20% increase.Impeach Garcetti the far left mpron..


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